Clara May Turner Ayres
Photo Gallery

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1908ElmerAndCM 1910CMArchers480 1913cCMJimElmer 1921CMInCoconutTree 1922CMArchersCloseup
1923Train480 1927Airplane408 1927cFormal480 1930CMHod 1931CMHodHodJr
1939CMHodKids 1952Family 1962PracticalNursingClass650w 1968CMHod480A 1969HodCMKids
1972AncientAttic2 1979CMGrandkids 1979cCMPanorama 1980cCMAlan480 1981cCMGregFishing
1984cCMandSteve 1985FirstGreatGrandchild 1986HalleysComet650w 1986cCMHawaiianGuitar 1987_80thBirthday1
1987_80thBirthdayCloseup480 1987cCMSue 1989CMBruceMysteryCruise 1990CMandLily 1992cCMNitaInPlay480
1997aCMBirthdayAll 1997bEvieCMBetty2 1997cCruiseShip4Skagway480 1999ClaraMay480 2007CM100thBirthday

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